
Showing posts from December, 2019

What is .TLC (Target Language Compiler) and MEX file in Matlab Simulink

TLC (Target Language Compiler) files are used to customize the code building process. They generally come in two varieties System/model tlc files that help in the overall model conversion process Block level tlc files which describe how individual blocks (typically S-Functions) get converted to C code. Target Language Compiler (TLC) is an integral part of the code generator. Use TLC to customize generated code. Through customization, you can produce platform-specific code and incorporate your own algorithmic changes for performance, code size, or compatibility with existing methods. With the Target Language Compiler, you can : 1. Customize the set of options specified by your system target file. 2. Inline the code for S-Function blocks. 3. Generate additional or different types of files. The Target Language Compiler™ is...